
首发 | 凯其设计 · “超扁平”之家

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29



"I was born in the 1980s, and my childhood was at the beginning of the reform and opening up of China. Things that became popular at the end of the last century, such as animation cartoons, science fiction movies, models, and computers, entered the field of vision of our generation. At the turn of the millennium, I began to study interior design. These experiences gave me a strong interest in both design and art, and this new home became a footnote to my past, which I call the Super Flat Home.”——设计师自白


Because of studying and engaging in interior design, I have always been researching mid-century furniture, and I have been deeply influenced by Japanese creative NIGO (Nagao Tomoaki) on the lifestyle part. At present, the collection of mid-century furniture is mainly based on replica modern products produced by authorized manufacturers. Of course, because these replicas basically have certificates or numbers, they will also have certain collection value in the future. In my opinion, these furnitures are all small buildings, injected with the designer's ideas. Similarly, the collection of toys and artworks has also become a part of my daily life. The stories behind the creations of cartoonists, designers and artists are more attractive to me, and I have met a group of like-minded friends through collections over the years. reward.


I hope that through these collections that have accompanied me for many years, this home will not look so "new" and will not look like a "standard". I think the best state is "familiar and comfortable".


Speaking of the structure of the house itself, the location of the stairs before the entrance has an impact on the smoothness of entry and the utilization of space. So in the end, the stairs were moved to the living room area with a larger room. This makes the public space on the ground floor wider and easier to move around.

客厅选用了Linge Roset的TOGO沙发、被誉为世纪之椅的Eames LCW和LAR,我非常关注家具的人体工学考量,这部分往往是容易被忽略的。由于空间不大,并没有选择茶几,而选了由Cassina大师系列Charlotte Perriand设计的挤奶凳和Vitra复刻的野口勇创作的棱镜边桌,通过组合来应对不同的使用场景。沙发上方的独特的立体画作则来自于艺术家Jan Kalab之手,它为整个空间注入了一抹情绪。USM的模块化柜子摆放了一部分的限量艺术玩具,来自村上隆、Daniel Asharm、Kenny sharf、Kaws等艺术家。边桌上放着深堀隆介的金鱼酒和宇田川誉仁的两个蒸汽朋克立体原作。

The living room uses the TOGO sofa by Linge Roset, and the Eames LCW and LAR, which are known as the chairs of the century. I am very concerned about the ergonomic considerations of objects that are in frequent contact with the human body, which are often overlooked details. Due to the small space, I did not choose a coffee table, but chose a milking stool designed by the Cassina master series Charlotte Perriand and a prism side table created by Isamu Noguchi reproduced by Vitra, which can be combined to deal with different usage scenarios. The unique 3D painting above the sofa is from Jan Kalab, injecting a touch of mood into the whole space. USM's modular cabinets house some limited-edition art toys from artists such as Takashi Murakami, Daniel Asharm, Kenny sharf, Kaws and more. On the side table are two original steampunk 3D works by Udagawa Yasuhito and Fukahori Ryusuke's Goldfish Wine.

餐厅选用了Hay 复刻的Wim Rietveld的金字塔桌子,Modernica和Bape联名的玻璃纤维椅和Jean Prouve的标准椅,他们都非常经典,并且设计思想一脉相承。因为早年在德国留学的经历,受到Bauhaus的影响,收纳系统做成了墙面的统一构件,板材选用了桦木多层板,既环保又触感自然。餐厅的墙面挂着新锐艺术家James Jean、Yoon Hyup、Cote Escriva,以及传奇巨匠Jim Phillips、Thomas Ott的作品。

The dining-room uses the pyramid table of Wim Rietveld, which is reproduced by Hay, the fiberglass chair co-branded by Modernica and Bape, and the standard chair by Jean Prouve. They are all very classic and have the same design ideas. Due to the experience of studying in Germany in the early years, influenced by Bauhaus, the storage system was made into a unified component of the wall, and the board was made of birch plywood, which is both environmentally friendly and natural to the touch. The walls of the restaurant are decorated with works by emerging artists James Jean, Yoon Hyup, Cote Escriva, and legendary masters Jim Phillips and Thomas Ott.

楼梯的背景是通高近6米的黑色手刮木饰面,黑色铁质扶手则营造出一种粗犷的工业感。楼梯间的作品出自Sk8thing 和 Verdy两位图形设计大师。壁灯来自本土创造的混凝土壁灯。

The background of the staircase is a black hand-scraped wood finish with a height of nearly 6 meters, and the black iron handrail creates a rough industrial feel. The work of the stairwell comes from two graphic designers, Sk8thing and Verdy. The sconces are from indigenously created concrete sconces.

二楼朝北书房的视野非常好,可以看到整个前海湾。所以设置了一个面朝窗户的日间床,设计师经常会遇到加班的情况,在这里就可以在不打扰家人的情况下工作和休息。因为之前工作室就使用了CH24作为长时间伏案的椅子,所以书房也安排了一把。孩子的房间并没有做的很幼龄化,而是保持了整体的设计,尽量在尺度和功能上满足小朋友的需求,椅子选择了我特别崇拜的设计师Peter Opsvik 的Capisco Puls,书桌上的水粉画则出自国内青年艺术家李超雄的布米系列。

The view from the north-facing study on the second floor is very good, and you can see the entire Qianhai Bay area. So I set up a day bed facing the window. As a designer, I often encounter the problem of overtime. Here, I can work and rest without disturbing my family. Because the studio has used CH24 as a chair for a long time at the desk, the study also arranged one. The children's room is not made very young, but maintains the overall design and tries to meet the needs of children in terms of scale and function. The chair is the Capisco Puls chair by Peter Opsvik, a designer I admire. The gouache paintings are from the Boomi series by the young domestic artist Axe Lee.

主卧背景利用整面橡木营造出一种自然的氛围,卫生间的门选用了玻璃材质,让光线可以从南北向充分的进入到这个空间。墙上挂的是James Jean的一幅铅笔纸本作品,一边的床头选用了经典的Lumina Daphine落地灯。The background of the master bedroom uses the whole surface of oak to create a natural atmosphere. The door of the bathroom is made of glass material, so that light can fully enter the space from north to south. A pencil-on-paper work by James Jean hangs on the wall, and a classic Lumina Daphine floor lamp is selected for the headboard on one side.


Nowadays, there are many life experts on social networks. They are keen on food, sports, travel, clothing, fashion, art, home furnishing and other aspects. These people have a high degree of professionalism in their hobbies. I believe that designers Need to act as a dialogue bridge between them and the space. In my eyes, a good space should not only have a good-looking , but also an interesting soul.


艺术家列表:James Jean、Jim Phillips、Yoon hyup、Thomas Ott、Enki Bilal、Jan Kalab、Cote Escriva、李超雄、逆柱、野口哲哉、深堀隆介、宇田川誉仁、Kenny Scharf、Kaws、空山基、Daniel Asharm、奈良美智、刘建文、村上隆、Verdy、Bridge ship house、Benedict Radcliffe

项目名称 | 超扁平之家 SUPERFLAT HOME

项目地点 | 中国 深圳

项目面积 | 89㎡

完成时间 | 2021.8

设计公司 | 凯其空间设计

主持设计 | 张庭赫

主要材料 | 橡木、钢板、多层桦木板、玻璃

项目摄影 | 山外视觉、张庭赫

项目视频 | 刘珏、张庭赫


张庭赫 / 设计总监




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